Acupuncturist Dr Judy Woo L.Ac
Acupuncture and Acupressure is a healing art that has been practiced for over 2500 years.
The practice of acupuncture uses stimulation of different anatomical structures and locations in the body to correct imbalances which can cause abnormal physiological patterns that can cause disease.
Dr Woo L.Ac, DC is a licensed acupuncturist and chiropractor at South Orange County Chiropractic. With her knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine many people are calling her the Top Acupuncturist in Orange County.
How can Acupuncture and Acupressure help?
Acupuncture is a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as qi or chi (CHEE) — that flows through the pathways or meridians in the body. By inserting acupuncture needles or applying pressure (acupressure) to specific points along these meridians, your energy flow will balance and normalize the body's innate healing mechanisms. Acupuncture for back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, etc. focuses on stimulating nerves, muscles and connective tissues which can boost your body's natural painkillers (endorphins). It also increases blood flow which decreases pain and can help to improve your immune system. Furthermore, acupuncture is also an effective treatment to cure other medical conditions such as chemotherapy nausea, vomiting, and post-operative dental pain. Many patients have also undergone acupuncture in Orange County to lose weight or to reduce wrinkles with cosmetic acupuncture.
Efficacy of acupuncture in Orange County has been shown for numerous conditions and has become the second most widely used form of complementary and Alternative medicine in America. Many people who have undergone acupuncture in Orange County have experienced positive results with their treatment. Here are just a few of the many conditions Acupuncture and Acupressure can help with:
- Headaches
- Post-operative pain
- Menstrual cramps
- Tennis Elbow
- Neck Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Muscle pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Back pain
- Carpal Tunnel
- Chemotherapy nausea
- Vomiting
- addiction
- Stroke rehabilitation
- Asthma
The above-mentioned medical conditions can be helped or cured by applying pressure on different acupuncture points in the body. In Lake Forest, acupuncture is performed by experienced and professional acupuncturists, who have already helped many patients to recover from their medical conditions and pain. Comprehensive management programs can be customized by a licensed acupuncturist leading to an overall increase in well-being of the patient.
Healthier life is the key to living a happy life, and acupuncture has been used as a healing therapy for thousands of years in China and has since spread around the world, helping millions of people to relieve pain, muscle tension, reduce stress and live a healthier and happier life. The benefits of acupuncture are enormous. See why people all over Orange County are saying that acupuncture treatment has changed their life for the better.
If you have questions feel free to email Dr Hamilton